At 09:33 PM 01/10/2003 -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
> For all I know, I've been posting on a list haunted by a bunch of
> crypto-white supremists (crypto, as in secret, hidden). And if that's
> the case, then I want to know. Figured I'd ask for clarification on
> this issue. (And from some of May's comments in the past, it wasn't
> clear to me.)

As a matter of fact, I and Tim May regularly go nigger
hunting in the hills, me with my SKS.  Tim May is not so
keen on those commie guns, and usually has a good old
American AR15

Of course, in the hills around here there usually are no
damned niggers, but sometimes we get a pig.  Niggers are
pretty rare.   To catch a nigger, you need the right bait.

The tricky thing is to lure a nigger out of his native haunts,
to someplace far away and lonely with no one knowing where
he went.  Fortunately a friend of ours sometimes hires some
nigger pussy to give him a good time in his house out in the
woods.  Then of course the lady tells her numerous boyfriends
about all the good stuff he has, and pretty soon there are
some niggers out to rob him.  They usually get caught in one
of his traps, and if a couple of days pass and it seems that
no one is missing that nigger, I and Tim May have a it of fun
killing it.   It is not really as sporting as finding one in
hills, so usually we torture it a bit then give it a short
head start, track it through the hills by bloodstains, and then
shoot it.

There are quite a few entertaining ways of torturing a nigger
before you kill it. Books are one of the best -- they have the
same effect on a nigger as kryptonite on superman.

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