On Mon, Jan 20, 2003 at 05:56:26PM -0800, James A. Donald wrote:
> On 20 Jan 2003 at 10:42, Harmon Seaver wrote:
> > Well, but only a strike of the executives and some  
> > technicians. Not of the general workers.
> When they bring out the army against the strikers as well as
> foreign scab labor, it is the workers. 

   Nope, not a chance. Most of the people out on strike were executives -- and
believe me, managers can never be considered workers. Talk to any working stiff,
they'd laugh their butt off at the idea. Having spent a good many years working
as a logger and other manual labor professions, I consider it an insult to the
working man to call execs "workers". 
   I think it's great Chavez fired them all. And actually, I'm even wondering if
they need any "scab" sysadmins. That might be very cool, to get a decent job in
what is beginning to look like one heck of a lot better place to live than the
   It's pretty clear by now that last Spring's attempted coup and the current
strike was all engineered by the CIA and the current whitehouse scum. Chaves
must be a pretty decent guy if he's not rounding up all those bozos who were
making the trips to DC just before the coup. 

Harmon Seaver   

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