On Wed, Jan 22, 2003 at 09:38:47AM -0800, James A. Donald wrote:
> If it was only the executives and a handful of highly qualified
> specialists, you would not need the army.

   Of course you would. Look, once again, this isn't a normal "strike", this is
a conspiracy of traitors working with an evil foreign power to overthrow a
legitimate government. So obviously the installation would, at the very least,
need to be protected from possible sabotage. Besides which, if you wanted to get
that operation back up and running, the army has a command and control hierarchy
already in place which could achieve at least some functionality in place of the
absent management.
   Let's compare this with Saudia Arabia or Kuwait -- what do you think those
governments would do in the same situation? The spooks from another country
conspires with Saudi dissidents to overthrow the government. They start a strike
in the oil industry -- what would be the Saudi response? The army would move in,
the strikers would be in the Saudi dungeons being tortured, then executed. 
   Chavez is a pretty benevolent guy - he hasn't even arrested the people they
know for a fact were in Washington conspiring with Dubbya. Which is pretty
amazing -- can you name another country which wouldn't arrest it's nationals
found to be conspiring with foreign agents and attempting a coup? Maybe he will
yet -- probably should, in fact. 
   The fact that he's being demonized in the mainstream (corporate) media as a
commie is irrelevant. Don't we all know that that CNN, et al, are going to do
everything possible to minimize an anti-corporate leader? Because I'd say that's
what Chavez is -- not a commie, but anti-corporation, anti-US. Which is a good
thing. Read what Washinton, Jefferson, and all the rest of the founding fathers
said about corporations. Jefferson wanted to ban them totally, and they should
have. The First American Revolution was just as much a war against corporations
as it was against England. 

"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations
which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength, and bid
defiance to the laws of our country."
Thomas Jefferson

  We need to understand that corporations are not humans, they have no civil
rights. They need to be banned from making any sort of political contributions
or advertisements. They need to have their corporate charters yanked and
replaced with a maximum 2 year charter issued and reviewed by a citizen review
  Of course, I have no illusions that, at this point, this will happen without a
total revolution of the govenment. However, if some governments can, anywhere,
come into power in a country like Venezuela, then they should be aided and
bolstered in any way possible by all freedom loving peoples, because they are
probably our only chance of maintaining at least part of the world free from the
mega-corp ruled NWO. Let's hope Brazil follows Chavez's path (although Lulu has
his work cut out for him in getting rid of the death squads and human rights
abusers there), since Brazil is very close to have nukes, or possibly already
has them. Other Latin American countries are also looking up -- the leader of
the coca growers federation was very narrowly defeated as president there in the
last election.

Harmon Seaver   

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