"James A. Donald" wrote:
> Harmon Seaver:
> >    Why not the army?
> If it was only the executives and a handful of highly qualified
> specialists, you would not need the army.

Strikers are mostly oil industry. And better-paid workers, technicians,
engineers & so on. They might include safety officers, firefighters,
truckdrivers, communications engineers, construction workers & so on. 

I don't know what the Venezualan army is like, but the British army is
full of such people, & has been for at least 150 years - the technical
branches outnumberd the infantry sometime in the 19th century - though
that is partly due to the British habit of counting the Artillery as a
technical branch, the others being the Royal Engineers (what you guys
call combat engineers), the Electrical & Mechanical Engineers
(everything from motor mechanics to network technicians) and the Corps
of Signals.  They aren't all thick squaddies.

Right now the firefighters are on strike in England & the military are
running the emergency services.  Not as well as the professionals, but
better than any other bunch you would be likely to find.

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