On Wed, Jan 29, 2003 at 05:05:22PM -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
> Mike Rossing wrote...
> "Just gotta kill off a few more arabs to extend the time when that happens 
> is all."
> That gives me a damned good idea. Perhaps we can use Camp XRay to do some 
> research on how to melt down Muslims and convert then directly into fossil 
> fuels, bypassing all the middlemen...Muslim-powered vehicles could sport a 
> cute lil' sticker proclaiming "Allah On Board".

   No research needed. People have been making biodiesel out of any sort of fats
for ages, including animal fats, fish oil, etc. As we speak, there are many
people in this world driving their vehicles on biodiesel made from rendered beef
and pork fat. And the Reich was rendering human fat. 
   Although canola oil is a much better source for fuel. And diesels a much
better IC engine for hybrids. Even in non-hybrids, VW builds some pretty nice
diesel cars, including the Lupo, on the market for a couple years now, which
gets 80mpg. And the prototype that VW's CEO drives around in that gets 280mpg. 

Harmon Seaver   

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