On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 02:34:54PM -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
> >Except that there are so few of those no one has ever been able to
> >quantify/qualify them, so we don't know what that really consists of.
> When you say "those" are you referring to bad acid trips? (Don't tell me 
> you've never had one!)

   As far as actual LSD goes -- none. And I did a couple hundred,
anyway. Towards the end (and after it was suggested on the Senate floor that
"bad drugs" be created and distributed on the streets to freak out LSD users),
many things were sold as "LSD" which were not. I recall having some very strange
experiences which caused me to decide to stop taking "LSD". And very clearly
remember someone locally who died in the emergency room after freaking out on
the same batch of acid that seemed quite weird to us, they gave him thorazine
and it killed him. Obviously it wasn't LSD. 
   I then came into a large quantity of peyote -- shazaam, no more
weirdness. Likewise mushrooms, ayahuasca, etc. And that is why, essentially,
blotter acid came into being, because you can't get enough of anything else but
LSD on that tiny piece of paper to do *anything*, so it's safe. 

> I'll grant, however, that bad trips seem to occur 
> much more on 'cid than on natural substances.
   Again, I never had a bad trip on LSD. 

> But I'll also point out that 
> its on the bad trips where the "Emporer's New Clothes" are most obviously 
> yanked away, and we SEE that all the stuff we thought held us together was 
> more or less arbitrary or self-defeating.

   Well, if you are talking about ego-loss -- that's not a bad trip, that's what
is supposed to happen. Coming to some astounding realizations about the nature
of the universe and our place in it is not "bad", it's what seekers have spent
years working towards -- all yours in a few hours. 

> Unfortunately, some folks are so 
> dependent on those illusions that they can not handle their removal, even 
> for 4-8 hours or so, so they freak.

    Set and setting have more to do with it than anything. People who partake in
powerful spiritual experiences, not just psychedelic substances, with no
consideration of the consequences of what they do deserve what they get. Some
people get very freaked out by a tarot reading. Most people sleep walk through
life, many are completely entranced by the delusions of their
preconceptions. Reality can be terrifying. 
     Look at how many people are truly afraid of the dark, how many who fear
spiders and other natural things. 

> -TD
> PS: It was along these lines that my comparison of a bad trip to 9/11 was 
> meant.
> >From: Harmon Seaver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: My favorite line from the DOJ's latest draft bill
> >Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 19:11:43 -0600
> >
> >On Mon, Feb 10, 2003 at 06:31:56PM -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
> >> "I'm not so sure this emperor could handle psycedelics.  Might
> >> break the robotic connections"
> >>
> >> Arguably, 9/11 was a bad trip, and now we're completely freaking out.
> >>
> >
> >    Except that there are so few of those no one has ever been able to
> >quantify/qualify them, so we don't know what that really consists of.
> >
> >--
> >Harmon Seaver
> >CyberShamanix
> >http://www.cybershamanix.com
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Harmon Seaver   

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