Harmon Seaver wrote...

As far as actual LSD goes -- none. And I did a couple hundred,
anyway. Towards the end (and after it was suggested on the Senate floor that
"bad drugs" be created and distributed on the streets to freak out LSD users),
many things were sold as "LSD" which were not. I recall having some very strange
experiences which caused me to decide to stop taking "LSD".
That's interesting, actually. I remember getting some very high purity windowpane, and the effect was even calming. The "bad trips" seem to have been associated with acid-mixed-with-speed in general.

But then again, taking 'cid and wandering the streets of New York City has to be a lot more bad-trip-inducing than taking it in more rural settings. (And, there are some personality types that I know really couldn't handle LSD. These are the ones that need constant control over their social surroundings.)

And very clearly
remember someone locally who died in the emergency room after freaking out on
the same batch of acid that seemed quite weird to us, they gave him thorazine
and it killed him. Obviously it wasn't LSD.
Indeed there are tons of questionable anti-drug propaganda stories out there. Like claims that Ecstacy is dangerous, despite the fact the RIGHT NOW there's probably millions of kids around the world high on it, and probably none of them will die. (The danger almost certainly comes from the fact that petty mobsters and whatnot make it in their basement.)

As for LSD driving people batty, I believe it, but then again those it drove batty I think already had the seeds of battiness down deep before hand...acid was basically just "miracle grow" on those seeds (and LSD-induced battiness requires a LOT of acid).

Then again, a HighSchool buddy of mine took it about 300 times in HS and college and he remains as blase as always.


"Stuy's High!"

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