On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 05:20:19PM -0500, Tyler Durden wrote:
> Harmon Seaver wrote...
> >   As far as actual LSD goes -- none. And I did a couple hundred,
> >anyway. Towards the end (and after it was suggested on the Senate floor 
> >that
> >"bad drugs" be created and distributed on the streets to freak out LSD 
> >users),
> >many things were sold as "LSD" which were not. I recall having some very 
> >strange
> >experiences which caused me to decide to stop taking "LSD".
> That's interesting, actually. I remember getting some very high purity 
> windowpane, and the effect was even calming. The "bad trips" seem to have 
> been associated with acid-mixed-with-speed in general.

   Early on, LSD never came in anything less than 250 mics, and frequently
higher. By the time that people were mixing speed with it, actual dosages were
much less (adding amphetamines to 250mic LSD is fairly pointless) and today
most, from what I hear, are around 75-100 mic. Major difference and really
rather worthless, unless you take 4 or so tabs of blotter. If you don't take
enough to break through, you might as well take speed.  

> But then again, taking 'cid and wandering the streets of New York City has 
> to be a lot more bad-trip-inducing than taking it in more rural settings. 

   Hardly. Well, wandering around anywhere is not a good idea -- set and setting
are extremely important. I well recall once, on some very clean and potent LSD,
walking in the woods outside a friends house on the outskirts of Madison, and
getting caught in a patch of blackberrys. I not only couldn't free myself, but
the vines began to grow rapidly, wrapping around my legs and torso. I was vastly
relieved when Ranger Dick showed up to lend a hand, and calmly unsnagged me from
their lecherous grasp. 
   But again -- wandering around the streets? Going into bars, etc. -- worst
thing to do -- these are not party drugs. 

> (And, there are some personality types that I know really couldn't handle 
> LSD. These are the ones that need constant control over their social 
> surroundings.)

   Yup - increase their dose. Best thing that could happen to the world would be
the development of a benign airforce that sprayed a fog of lsd/dmso on areas
like Palestine. Real LSD, that is. Or better yet, psilocybin.  8-)

> >And very clearly
> >remember someone locally who died in the emergency room after freaking out 
> >on
> >the same batch of acid that seemed quite weird to us, they gave him 
> >thorazine
> >and it killed him. Obviously it wasn't LSD.
> Indeed there are tons of questionable anti-drug propaganda stories out 
> there.

   Well, you can check the Congressional record, this was not rumour, it was
actually proposed in the Senate, can't remember by who, but I well recall
thinking, when reading about it, "what a stupid idea" -- and then later being
very aware that something was seriously wrong with what was hitting the
streets. Especially when people started dying. Hint: LSD/thorazine doesn't kill
you. If, indeed, it even slows down the trip. 

Harmon Seaver   

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