On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 08:57:43AM +0100, Thomas Shaddack wrote:
> > You need to find some Green Party, anti-globalization, lesbo-pagan,
> > registration of crypto mailing list that has your kind on it.
> Last time I checked, cryptography (and technologies in general) empowers
> the Individual against the Bigger Entities - regardless if they are
> Megacorps or Governments[1]. Hence, anticorporate views have their natural
> place on this list.
> [1] As the entanglement between private sector and the Governments grows,
> the difference is becoming somehow blurred.

    There is no real difference, that's what fascism is: the meld of corporate
and state. The military/industrial complex, for instance, and the
prison/industrial complex. And is clear now, the Enron/whitehouse complex.

Harmon Seaver   

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