On Sat, Mar 08, 2003 at 02:44:44AM +0100, Anonymous wrote:
> But let's cut to the chase. Assume that all private grocery 
> store owners want to exclude people from their stores. Now 
> assume that 100% of them agree that effective Tuesday, only 
> those people who have a receipt for a $100 or more donation to 
> George W Bush (or Hillary Clinton, whatever) may enter their 
> property to shop for groceries.
> Their right? Why not?

Let me take your hypothetical and move it closer to home.* I take
photographs and occasionally license them or sell prints. I post some
general terms on my website:

Yes, I have the right to license (sell) my photos only to Democrats,
Republicans, Libertarians, or socialist Eurotrash, as Tim might call
them.  And these same folks have the right to shop elsewhere if they
conclude my terms are onerous or objectionable.

In fact, I've declined to do business with the Disclosure Project,
a we've-seen-UFOs type of group, because I didn't want to support their
cause. (http://www.mccullagh.org/theme/disclosure-project-ufo-may01.html)

Many newspapers and magazines will choose not to do business with
people who want to use their photographs for derogatory purposes.
(http://www.politechbot.com/p-03181.html) And so on.

This is a Good Thing. It's called voluntary transactions, and it's
part of living in a free society.


* Yes, all this assumes that intellectual property laws exist, but the
arguments are true in general. I chose to switch the hypothetical
since yours about grocery stores muddles things -- I can imagine
complaints that somehow that should be different, as if people would
starve without giving $$$ to Hillary.

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