Tim May wrote:

> -- the truck bombing of the Marine barracks in Lebanon in 1983...about
> 300 Marines killed. ("Tyler Durden" will probably claim that this was
> not on U.S. soil, but it's a distinction without a difference.)

There surely is a difference. They had walked into someone else's war.

Well, damn near everybody else's war.

Of all the places in the world you ought not to go if you want to not be
shot at, a war with 8 sides (Residual Lebanese govt. vs Palestinians vs.
Israel vs Islamist Shia militias vs. non-Islamist Shia militias vs.
Sunni militias  vs Maronite militias  vs Druze - with interference from
Iran & Syria)   at least 3 of whom hate /all/ the others, and /all/ of
whom have a history of shooting at each other, is hardly at the top of
the list.

If you go to where the vultures and the jackals are disputing over a 
corpse that isn't actually dead, you have yourself to blame if you get

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