At 04:37 AM 03/25/2003 +0100, Lucky Green wrote:
If any terrorists had nukes, why have they not used them so far?

Because they've been able to achieve "Shock and Awe" without them and keep most of the rabble in line by threatening to blow up other nuclear-armed terrorists in mutually assured destruction. Oh, wait, those weren't the terrorists you were talking about....

One of the things that really frustrated me about 9/11 was that after 45 years of nuclear terrorism and cold war, we'd had close to a decade without anybody threatening to destroy the world, except for occasional small patches of it just to remind everybody to pay their military-industrial-complex dues, and we'd had this nice economic boom (though it was obviously winding down), and while the Bush League was trying to do everything they wanted, even so, things were starting to look like maybe our species could act somewhat civilized for a while. But no, it's back to the same old same old, and so much for civil liberties in America as well.

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