I don't think it matters what we do, check this out:

This really is infowar, and I suspect the US government is the hacker.

Patience, persistence, truth,
Dr. mike

On Thu, 27 Mar 2003, Thomas Shaddack wrote:

> > It's definitly jammed in the US.  I get "503 - out of resources error".
> > Maybe you guys can set up a mirror that isn't jammed and the US can see it
> > that way (at least until the feds catch wind of it).
> At this moment, http://english.aljazeera.net/ shows some domain
> registration page with the text "This Page has Been Taken Over By Saimoon
> Bhuiyan". The original server of aljazeera.net was IIS/5.0, the current
> server is Apache/1.3.26, the hostname resolves to
> It would be nice to have one alternative distribution channel for the news
> there, optimally with cooperation of their editors themselves (if they
> send the files to a mailinglist together with uploading it to the web, it
> eliminates the phase of fishing the data from an overloaded and
> permanently hacked machine).
> Anyone able and willing to organize this?

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