On Sunday, March 30, 2003, at 08:42 AM, Ed Norton wrote:

I haven't seen anyone mention this here, and wonder if it's being reported out there "West of the Hudson"...

Apparently, a large traffic-stopping protest here in NYC was performed using a method I hadn't heard of before. Basically, the demonstrators handcuffed themselves together, but inside large PVC tubing in which their arms were encased. So in order to clear out the demonstrators, cops pretty much have to cart off a tied-together mass of 100 demonstrators, without any real hope of breaking them apart in any short amount of time.

Those who handcuff themselves to gates, to trees, inside PVC pipes, whatever....

...should simply be left that way. Their screams for water, for release, and then eventually their dying moans, could be broadcast on the Internet. Maybe even a video feed of one of the perps trying to gnaw his own hand off.

I came to this realization when a pair of demonstrators chained themselves to a gate at a lumber company in Northern California. "You made your bed, now you can lie in it."

The skeletons, after a year or two, might send a signal to others.

(Of course, none of this will happen. If nothing else, lawsuits would be filed demanding that money be spent to cut their PVC pipes or chains or whatever. A litigious society makes their asymmetric warfare possible.)

--Tim May
"Aren't cats Libertarian? They just want to be left alone.
I think our dog is a Democrat, as he is always looking for a handout" --Unknown Usenet Poster

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