On Sun, Mar 30, 2003 at 10:55:46PM -0600, Kevin S. Van Horn wrote:
> Harmon Seaver wrote:
> >>Encouraging the imperial persecution of a religious minority?
> >>
> >Well, it looks at this point that it would have been a reasonable 
> >trade-off, given the millions who have been tortured and murdered in 
> >Europe and the Americas since the Council of Nicea in 425 by the offspring 
> >of those surviving christers.
> >
> And what makes you think things would have been any better in the 
> absence of Christianity?

   You've heard of the Inquistion perhaps? Or the War On Some Drugs, the modern
   Very, very few religions, other than the judeo/christer/islamic, are
interested in forced conversions, or even do any proselytizing at all. Nor do
they usually persecute women. The entire christer theology makes persecution
inevitable. Any monotheistic religion is by definition exclusive and
persecutorial of others. 

Harmon Seaver   
We are now in America's Darkest Hour.

hoka hey!

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