--- Damian Gerow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> And then the whole world dies, because of ...  what?
> Seriously, I *highly* doubt that any nation at this
> time would *seriously*
> think of bombing another nuclear-enabled nation with
> a nuclear weapon.  It's
> just suicide.

Well-pakistan has been constantly nuclear black
mailing india.They say that their nuclear options are
always open and there is nothing india can do about
it.When the hate grows logic doesn't work.Thats why
one cannot do any thing about suicide bombing
either.There are no winners in a nuclear war-thats
certain.So the uneasy peace will prevail for a few
more year.Things may change later.


> 'a couple thousand nukes' later, there's not much
> left of this planet.  That
> which hasn't been blowed [sic] up is exposed to
> enough radiation to kill, or
> to cause some serious mutations.

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