At 10:12 PM 12/11/03 -0500, An Metet wrote:
>Given small numbers and absence of any other grouping factor there
needs to be an "obvious" place for ZPs to refer to. Any obvious place
that becomes even remotely attractive to ZPs will be immediately raided.
Because ZPs have potential to be actually dangerous to the gang in
power, as opposed to everything else I've seen so far.
>So we're back to square one - effective anonymous publishing is
prerequisite for the regime change and executing post-natal abortions.
And it has been for centuries.

You need to think about the "lone warrior" scenario that the Gang
worries about.  McVeighs and Rudolphs.
They were influenced by memes which were not immediately suppressed.

Look at Al Q, Inc: you don't need explicit instructions from the Boss to
motivate folks to do things.
You see who is the enemy, you see opportunity.  You don't need

There is also the "copycat" phenom ---remember how school shootings
reccurred after the first big one?   So the memes can get out.

As Tim has mentioned here, the talkers can't
be the doers.  And watch out for COINTELPRO.

>When I say "effective" I don't mean posting a message to Usenet via
WiFI-ing into some sucker's open AP. No one gives a fuck for Usenet
postings, blacknet etc

Well, some do, but its not relevent for ZPs.

>. - and ZPs are unlikely to educate themselves and search for them.
Effective means untouchable web site with untouchable DNS entry.

Fuck the web.  The web is 0wn3d by the feds and run by largely spineless
fedsucking sheep.  The web is for
talkers, not doers.

>Effective means something doable by average determined person. Like
tuning to Radio London from occupied Europe in WW2.

I don't listen to shortwave, but I understand some of it can be fairly
strong.   I could easily see some
lunatic fringe suggesting that deathbed xians blowing up medical clinics
as a holy thing.  (And I understand
that shortwave is popular among lunatic xians.)
As the US descends into statism, perhaps some agitators will pick better
targets, like the oppressors.
Perhaps some will simply begin to act, the news reports it, and others
will clue in and repeat.

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