At 09:19 AM 12/12/03 -0800, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
You need to think about the "lone warrior" scenario that the Gang
worries about.  McVeighs and Rudolphs.
They were influenced by memes which were not immediately suppressed.

One interesting property of the lone warriors is that they can't actually make peace. With large sets of them, there's not only no way to force them to surrender, there's no way to even surrender to them! The demands of different lone warriors are different. Because they're not under anyone's authority, you can't negotiate a truce that's worth anything with them. You've executed the FBI and BATF agents involved in the Waco disaster, and so Tim McVeigh has made peace with you. But Randolph still blows things up, because he wants abortion clinics and gay bars shut down. And the Unabomber wanted (as far as I can tell) technology shut down.

Of course, there's a more fundamental problem with surrendering to the lone warriors. Imagine that there's such a wave of pro-life terrorism that we finally agree to ban abortion. You're a fanatically committed pro-choice activist. What's your next move?

--John Kelsey, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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