Bill Stewart wrote...

Unfortunately, the primary algorithm seems to work like this:
- Somebody puts a name on some list because it seems like a
        good idea at the time, and there's no due process required.
- Everybody copies lists from everybody else,
        with minimal attempt to track where the information comes from.
- Database corruption propagates rapidly, so anybody who's on
        any list because of political corruption like Neo-Cointelpro
        stays there because of database corruption.

And if we add local "intelligence" in the form of allowing airport screeners to act on their hunches, then there's one more step:

Airport Screener didn't get her child-support check from the ex and as a result is saving her crack for lunchtime...frisks well-heeled and arguably spolied white-guy with a little 'tude who proceeds to give said screener some 'feedback'...Airport screener figures she'll brighten up her own morning and prevents said white-guy from flying: "Hey, something told me this guy was trouble, so fire me and I'll work for Starbucks instead."

One day, I may be willing to subscribe to the commonly held cypherpunk belief that any law from a government is basically a bad thing, but AFAIC we don't need to get that far yet. When laws boil down the decision-in-a-vacuum and whim of the enforcer, Break out the Zombie patriots.


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