>From: "James A. Donald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Oct 20, 2004 3:10 PM
>Subject: Re: Airport insanity

>Lots of murderous terrorists have been released from Guatanamo, 
>and in the nearly all cases the most serious of their 
>complaints make it sound like a beach resort, except for the 
>fact that they could not leave.

Maybe I missed that.  All but one of the comments I read about involved a lot of 
complaints about mistreatment, albeit often with the admission that Gitmo was still 
better than being in an Afghan prison.  As a nitpick, though, it's not at all clear 
that most of the people at Gitmo were really terrorists, or even murderers.  None of 
them has had a trial, few have even had hearings, and many were released as not a 
threat to us.  (They may still be a threat to everyone else around them.)  

>A few have more serious complaints.  Either they are lying or, 
>those who say they were well treated apart from being held 
>captive are lying. 

Surely the other alternative is that only some prisoners are subjected to torture, 
e.g., the ones that look to have some serious intelligence value.

>         James A. Donald


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