On Sat, 23 Oct 2004, James A. Donald wrote:

> The Taliban were illegitimate, not on legal grounds, but
> because they were evil.

Using this line of "reasoning", Shrub is ripe for that overdue case of
high velocity lead poisoning.

>  If someone was in the Taliban, then those threatened by the
> Taliban have a strong case for locking him up, just as we
> locked up nazis. Thirdly a government that systematically
> depopulates large areas of the territory it supposedly rules is
> not as legitimate as warlords with genuine local roots and
> traditional authority, who for the most part came to power
> through religious or military leadership in a spontaneous
> revolution against tyranny.

And if the local warlords are also participating in a vast depopulation,
then what?

>  No one in the Northern alliance
> ever controlled territory though ethnic cleansing.
> I can easily imagine circumstances where ethnic cleansing is a
> legitimate response to an intransigent enemy with strong roots
> in the local population - but the fact that the Taliban used
> such measures shows they did not have strong roots in the local
> population.

You don't see a circular problem here?


J.A. Terranson

        "An ill wind is stalking
        while evil stars whir
        and all the gold apples
        go bad to the core"

        S. Plath, Temper of Time

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