I am curious, Mr. Donald, how exactly you define the word "terrorist". I
request that your definition be generic; i.e. not a definition like
"anyone who attacks the US".

I'd be willing to bet that you cannot provide a clear generic definition
of "terrorist". Moreover, I can guarantee that you cannot provide a
definition that isn't self-contradictory.


On Tue, 19 Oct 2004 09:59:15 -0700, "James A. Donald"
>     --
> On 19 Oct 2004 at 10:23, Tyler Durden wrote:
> > Most Cypherpunks would agree that free markets are a good
> > thing. Basically, if you leave people alone, they'll figure
> > out how to meet the needs that are out in there and, in the
> > process, get a few of the goodies available to us as vapors
> > on this world. I assume you would agree to this.
> There are however some bad people, who want to conquer and
> rule.  Some of them are nastier than others.  Those people need
> to be killed.   Killing some of them is regrettably
> controversial.  Killing terrorists should not be controversial.
> > More than that, some of the countries we've been kicked out
> > or prevented from influencing have been modernizing rapidly,
> > the most obvious example is China and Vietnam.
> Your history is back to front. China and Vietnam stagnated,
> until they invited capitalists back in, and promised they could
> get rich.  Mean while the countries that we were not "kicked
> out of" for example Taiwan and South Korea, became rich.
>     --digsig
>          James A. Donald
>      6YeGpsZR+nOTh/cGwvITnSR3TdzclVpR0+pr3YYQdkG
>      y7IV2I3RzvTRwezbeYDac49MQJFtu4pLd09CpaV1
>      4wwT8kfGpRCZY7aO/mhgeoOcaR9vYeYFWae8aMM/M

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