On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 03:43 -0700, James A. Donald wrote:

> McViegh did not target innocents.  Bin Laden did target
> innocents. 

I'm confused.  Is Mr. Donald saying McVeigh did not surveil his target
sufficiently to know that there was a day care center in the damage
pattern?  Or is he saying it only takes one "non-innocent" in a damage
zone to justify an attack? (in which case, how is he privy to Bin
Laden's attack plan, such that he can rule out any "non-innocent"

Or is the problem perhaps that any reasonable definition of "terrorist"
must describe both McVeigh and Bin Laden?  Ends do not justify means.  A
reasonable man would argue that attacking an occupied building with
highly destructive weapons is an act intended to incite terror, without
needing to even consider the motive.
Roy M. Silvernail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and you're not
"It's just this little chromium switch, here." - TFS

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