--- John Kelsey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> >From: Tyler Durden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Jul 23, 2005 9:17 PM
> >Subject: Re: Well, they got what they want...
> ...  
> >Saw a local security expert on the news, and he stated the
> >obvious: Random earches and whatnot are going to do zero
> >for someone determined, but "might" deter someone who was
> >"thinking about" blowing up the A train. In other words,
> >everyone here in NYC knows that we've given up a lot for
> >the sake of the appearence of security, but no one seems to
> >give a damn.
> I think the reality is a bit different.  The random searches
> won't keep someone who's planning an attack from trying to
> carry it out, but it may delay their attack, if they made
> plans based on the old security setup, not the new one.  It
> may also convince them to shift the attack to a new target.
> --John

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