Subject: Tim is RIGHT!

>If you are resuming your forwarding of my articles to your stable of e$spam
>and $ettlement lists, then I will rethink my "truce" with you here on this

To hell with truces! You're right, those e-gold guys are downright awful, indeed 
reprehensible, for not fully catering to cypherpunks and trying to stay the fuck out 
of jail. In fact, Tim May, so are you! 

Criminals, true criminals, need to be punished! You should take that vaunted rifle 
collection of yours and threaten to blow the heads of Clinton and/or Reno and/or Freeh 
clean off should they come in range of your (bunker?) hill! Compromise is for the 
devil, the butcher of Waco and her boss and minions should not go unpunished! Hell, 
neither should Hettinga! Goto Massachusetts and track the sorry bastard down, he has 
bad manners and he fails to bow at your feet, so off with his head! (Better use .308 
for him, though) Up the revolution, it's not too late for Y2K to be a bloodbath! Go 
for it!!!

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