[Again, I urge folks to not use toad.com. It is being filtered by 
many of us, due to the hundreds of MakeMoneyFast and HelpMeMakeBombz 
and Spark.Net messages each day. I've changed toad.com over to 
algebra.com, one of the main nodes.]

At 1:31 AM -0400 7/12/00, dmolnar wrote:
>On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Kevin Elliott wrote:
>>  least in the case of ZKS, I've never heard of Privada) are publicly
>>  known, and considered strong by most, if not all, cryptographers.
>The algorithms are publically known. the source isn't. although I
>personally am less annoyed by that than some recent posts to the list.
>Not sure if that's what the original poster meant or not, of course.

This came up at the recent Cypherpunks physical meeting in Silicon 
Valley. "Where's the source code...we're still w-a-i-t-i-n-g!" was 
the refrain. One gets the idea that if ZKS doesn't fulfill its 
promise to release source code so that its algorithms can be truly 
inspected properly, the last vestiges of credibility will fade.

>personally, I think that this is more interesting than the
>bomb trolls. and a heck of a lot more interesting than the SparkLIST
>peoples' automated greeting messages -- I'm at the point where I'm ashamed
>to say that friends of mine work for thespark...jesus christ on a pogo
>stick, there's another one...

I filter all toad.com traffic into a special folder, which I scan 
quickly for nuggets and then delete en masse. This is why I urge you 
and others to not use toad.com. After all, John Gilmore said more 
than three years ago that he really didn't want toad.com to be the 
longterm list address. It's only right that we stop using it.

>in addition, when was the last time the list went over how credentials and
>reputations work in a cypherpunk world, explicitly? most regular posters
>get it by now and don't need to hear it again, I expect. maybe a better
>piece of advice is to try finding the Cyphernomicon, reading it, and
>then lurking. at least then the references to BlackNet will make sense.

The idea of the FAQ in 1994 was that certain questions kept coming 
up. I tried. I failed. Questions still keep coming up.

The latest is that we have some "Assistant Professor of Library 
Science" (!) calling the various list nodes "Cypherpunks remailers" 
and attempting to get us organized. Just what we need, a "Library 
Scientist" educating the heathen.

And we also have people calling for Federal Laws against the Evil Act 
of list operators not being diligent enough in Stopping Abuse. Jeesh.

Those who can't figure out what remailers are, and what Blacknet is, 
aren't part of the Future. They can be killfiled without guilt.

--Tim May
Timothy C. May              | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES:   831-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA  | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
"Cyphernomicon"             | black markets, collapse of governments.

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