Jodi's fantasy world again.

Ok Jodi..document your claims

which 'march on Washington"

Please specifiy who made these 'demands' and the actual quotes involved
(not your imaginative paraphrases)

Of course, if your past behavior on this list is any indicator, statements
were wildly interpreted to suit your strawman perceptions, and I suspect
actual quotes will not be forthcoming.


At 12:30 AM 9/16/2000 -0400, Jodi Hoffman wrote:
>       It's already been demanded, Tom.  During the Gay Pride March on 
>Washington, the state and federal demands included:
>       1)      Repeal of all age-of-consent laws (for sex with kids);
>       2)      Repeal of ALL marriage laws (3 men, 4 kids, 1 baby...);
>       3)      Repeal of all public sex laws (including with kids);
>       4)      Repeal of all laws against prostitution(even children);
>       5)      Repeal of all sodomy laws (even with kids);
>       6)      Federal funding of all sex-change operations;
>       7)      Federal funding of artificial insemination of lesbians;
>       8)      total access to Boy Scouts by male homosexuals;
>       9)      sex ed taught by homosexuals in all public schools;
>       and more.......

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