Ok, you can reword are reiterate your claims. How about backing them up
with documentation? (if it's been 'reinforced' every year, it surely is not
secret and you must have some links to back up your claims)

BTW of your new ones:

1) Would you NOT have them available to all persons regardless of age? Do
we really need more teenage pregnancies? (BTW in that year many states
restricted access to birth control, my brother's then 17 year old wife
could not purchase it it Cal.)

2) why should people be prohibited from participation in child care because
they are gay, bisexual or lesbian? Perhaps heterosexuals should be
prohibited from child care for the same reasons.

3) Document (not rephrase) this, Jodi

4) Well this country is kind of short on enemies right now since the
disappearance of the evil empire... maybe it's time to attack a real enemy.

This is, of course similar to the last times, wild claims (probably from
some fundie tract) and lots of bluster and no content when challenged to
support the claims.


Aside to Lizard: I'll be gone for a few days but watching my mail when I
get back, try to follow up and make sure we get some documentation. thx

At 11:46 AM 9/16/2000 -0400, Jodi Hoffman wrote:
>In 1972 (the year before the APA unilaterally decided 
>homosexuality was "no longer an illness") the Gay Rights Platform was 
>drawn up at the convention of the National Coalition of Gay Organizers. 
> It was officially set forth at the Gay Pride March on Washington, D.C. 
>on April 25, 1993 and has been reinforced every year since.  
>       By the way, a couple more of the demands:
>       1)      Demand that contraceptives and abortion services be made 
>               available to all persons, regardless of age (what the 
>               hell does that matter to homosexuals???);
>       2)      Full inclusion of lesbians, homosexual men, bisexuals   
>               and transgenders in education of children and child     
>               care;
>       3)       Legalization of all forms of sexual expression, 
>               including pedophilia, changing age of consent laws to 
>               allow sex with children;
>       4)      demand that Federal Defense budget funds be diverted to 
>               cover AIDS patients' medical expenses...  
>       The 1998 Federal Budget included $4.746 *BILLION* for AIDS 
>funding.  That was a $465 million increase over the 1997 Budget, which 
>is more funding than all forms of cancer combined.  Current Federal 
>Money (your tax dollars and mine) spent per  death:
>       AIDS/HIV:       $39,172.00
>       Diabetes:       $ 5,449.00
>       Cancer:         $ 3,776.00
>       Heart Disease:  $ 1,056.00
>       Stroke:         $   765.00
>       What's wrong with this picture? You don't get cancer by engaging 
>in promiscuous sex.  Funding should not be based on sexual behaviors.
>Jay Holovacs wrote:

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