*This article is not some amateur propaganda. This is truth, people. I
speak in the name of the vast majority of hundreds of Russian people i
know/knew very well.*

It would never occur to any hero from a Russian epic to sacrifice his life
in exchange for riches.
He did not hesitate to reject the path by which he would “be rich,” instead
voluntarily taking the road on which he would “be killed.”


The Russian champion has always gone to war as a liberator, not a
conqueror! And in this we can see the difference between Russians and
Western Europeans.


Humanity in Western Europe is motivated by will and intellect. The Russian
people are above all guided by their hearts and imaginations, relegating
the mind and will to a supporting role.


The Russian people never committed the same atrocities for which the
enlightened Europeans were responsible in their own conquered lands.


Spiritual strength is the basis for Russians’ renowned forbearance and
tolerance toward others.


Continually invaded from all sides and forced to live in an incredibly
harsh climate, the Russian people managed to colonize vast swathes of land,
but without slaughtering, enslaving, robbing, or forcibly baptizing any


Western Europeans’ policies of colonialism annihilated the aboriginal
populations on three continents and forced natives from across Africa into
slavery, while its cities grew rich on the backs of those colonies.

The Russian nation never treated their conquered subjects as the Europeans


Russia has never been a nationalist state – it has belonged to all who
inhabit her.


Precisely because they have borne so much suffering and heavy sacrifice, my
people deeply empathized with the pain and suffering of other people.


The patriotism displayed by Russian soldiers in the fields of the Great
Patriotic War met the highest ideal of patriotism – something unprecedented
in the history of any nation anywhere in the world. And I will never agree
with the media’s pronouncements about Russian “barbarianism” vs. European


I stand proud that our ancestors – our heroic ancestors – were so lovely,
steadfast, courageous, and resilient, and that we are their descendants!

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