That's pretty damn good. Thanks.

Although every nation, cult, gang, mafia has a similar rationale.

At 07:41 AM 6/22/2016, you wrote:
The following is a viewpoint worth comprehending, if not embracing.

This could be described I guess as the higher intention of a "Russian".

I consider it may be useful to contemplate ones own version of
"principles" of honour, heart, heroism, worthy sacrifice and all those
other concepts fit for legend and foundations. How else can we speak into
existence a better future, no matter the label used?


How the Russian World Differs From the Ideals of Western Civilization

The Russian ideal is more benevolent, contrasting noticeably with the
historical Western hankering to dominate, subdue and exploit
Anna Zhdanova
(Oriental Review)

 Image: A noble warrior

Originally appeared at Oriental Review

In recent years, both the Western as well as the liberal Russian press
have had a lot to say about Russian “barbarianism,” as if to contrast it
with European “civilization.” But a closer inspection ­ through the prism
of the heroic pages of Russian history ­ of the two groups’ moral ideals
and actual lives presents us with quite a different picture.

For example, in pagan times, ancient Russians never worshipped a god of
war, although their contemporaries in Europe were transfixed by their own
martial deity, constructing an entire epic narrative around the concepts
of war and conquest.

After defeating the “infidels” (the Golden Horde), Russians never sought
to forcibly convert them to Christianity. In the epic poem “Ilya Muromets
and the Pagan Idol,” the Russian hero liberates Constantinople from that
mythological monstrosity, but refuses to become the voevoda (or ruler) of
the city and returns home. Ancient Russian literature does not include
tales of personal enrichment through conquest or plunder, although this is
a common theme in the Western canon.

The hero of the “Nibelungenlied” is obsessed with his search for a hidden
treasure ­ the Rheingold. The main character of the ancient English poem
“Beowulf” dies, having beheld “the gorgeous heirlooms, golden store … Now
I’ve bartered here for booty of treasure the last of my life.” It would
never occur to any hero from a Russian epic to sacrifice his life in
exchange for riches. Ilya Muromets is not even able to accept the
inducement offered by the brigands he meets ­ the “golden treasure, richly
colored robe, and as many fine horses as he needed” (citation from the
Russian fairytale ( ) “Ilya
Muromets and Nightingale the Robber”).  He did not hesitate to reject the
path by which he would “be rich,” instead voluntarily taking the road on
which he would “be killed.”

And it is not only in this epic, but also in the legends, tales, songs,
proverbs, and folk wisdom of the Russian people where it is evident that
one’s duty to uphold one’s personal or tribal honor is something quite
distinct from any duty to exact personal or tribal revenge.

The notion of retaliation, as such, is absent from Russian folklore, as if
it were never part of the original “genetic code” of its people ­ the
Russian champion has always gone to war as a liberator. And in this we can
see the difference between Russians and Western Europeans.

The Russian historian and philosopher Ivan Ilyin ( ) wrote:

    “Europe cannot grasp us … because the Slavic and Russian way of
contemplating the world, nature, and man is something alien to it.
Humanity in Western Europe is motivated by will and intellect. The Russian
people are above all guided by their hearts and imaginations, relegating
the mind and will to a supporting role. Therefore, the average European is
ashamed of sincerity, scruples, and kindness, viewing them as

A European, nursed on the ideals of Rome, is secretly contemptuous of
other nations and desires to rule over them. Russians, however, on the
whole expect kindness, scruples, and sincerity from others.

The Russian people have always enjoyed the natural freedom of the vast
space they inhabit … gazing “in wonder” at other nations, getting along
with them amiably, with hatred only for oppressive invaders … “
Russians’ congenial relationships with their geographic neighbors are
testament to their sense of justice and mercy. The Russian people never
committed the same atrocities for which the enlightened Europeans were
responsible in their own conquered lands.

The psychology of the nation includes a certain principle of moral
restraint. These naturally strong, resilient, dynamic people have been
endowed with an amazing ability to survive.

This spiritual strength is also the basis for Russians’ renowned
forbearance and tolerance toward others.

Continually invaded from all sides and forced to live in an incredibly
harsh climate, the Russian people managed to colonize vast swathes of
land, but without slaughtering, enslaving, robbing, or forcibly baptizing
any nation.

Western Europeans’ policies of colonialism annihilated the aboriginal
populations on three continents and forced natives from across Africa into
slavery, while its cities grew rich on the backs of those colonies.

The Russian nation, which also waged wars that were not purely defensive,
acquired, like all great nations, large tracts of land, but never treated
their conquered subjects as the Europeans did. The European people reaped
the benefits of Europe’s conquests and its cities were enriched by the
colonial plunder.

Russians robbed neither Siberia nor Central Asia nor the Caucasus nor the
Baltics. Russia has preserved every nation within its borders, acting as
their protector, granting them the right to own land and property and to
practice their own faith, traditions, and culture.

Russia has never been a nationalist state ­ it has belonged to all who
inhabit her. The Russian people were granted only one “advantage” ­ to
bear the burden of nation-building.

The resulting state was like no other in the history of the world, and the
Russian people defended it with their own blood, willingly sacrificing
their very lives.

Precisely because they have borne so much suffering and heavy sacrifice,
my people deeply empathized with the pain and suffering of other peoples
languishing under the Nazi yoke.

And after liberating their own homeland, Russians channeled that same
spirit of self-sacrifice and energy into liberating half of Europe.

This was an example of epic heroism! These are the stouthearted people
born of the Russian earth! And I believe that such a feat can be
accomplished even by a great nation only once a century.

The patriotism displayed by Russian soldiers in the fields of the Great
Patriotic War met the highest ideal of patriotism ­ something
unprecedented in the history of any nation anywhere in the world. And I
will never agree with the media’s pronouncements about Russian
“barbarianism” vs. European “virtue.”

I stand proud that our ancestors ­ our heroic ancestors ­ were so lovely,
steadfast, courageous, and resilient, and that we are their descendants!

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