On 2016-08-20 3:51 PM, Riad S. Wahby wrote:
> Folks,
> After 15+ years running a cypherpunks node, it's quitting time for me.
> I plan to delete the mailman aliases on September 30th.
> If anyone is interested in migrating the list to his or her machine
> before then, that would be great; let's discuss on-list.
> -=rsw

If no one is biting, we'd be willing to host the node and give a home to
this list, although admittedly I'm more of a lurker than anything so I'm
not entirely sure about how the consensus on the future of the list is
going to play out. Regardless, I'd rather not see it die a slow death as
the deadline approaches.

Anyhow, I'll be the first to say: Thanks Riad, for your decade and two
tenths of time and service. :)


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