I joined this list because i thought it was about technology and security. Wow 
- this anti-govt shit has got to go. Where i live people disappear offending 
the wrong person.

-------- Original Message --------
On Aug 22, 2016, 2:49 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 6:14 PM, Ben 0wned <gmoj...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> Good reason to just let this list die. Bunch of OLD angry people with no life 
> but to sit around and bitch and moan about shit all day long. What a 
> miserable life.

Wow! How much hate and bitterness in this little hairy heart, eh? :-/

All lives deserve respect, miserable or not. And the concept of "miserable 
life" is very relative. For me, a miserable life means feel pleasure in offend 
people, disrespecting their work, their contributions.

If you want to collaborate and make a better cypherpunks list, please, do it. 
We, "old angry people", will be very thankful. :)

If you want to help, can contact me in private. But, if you just want to 
complain like an old grumpy curmudgeon, please, be coherent and don't spend 
your miserable life here.

Take care and eat chocolate! <3


" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to 
say it."

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