On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 7:20 PM, Ben 0wned <gmoj...@protonmail.com> wrote:

> I joined this list because i thought it was about technology and security.
> Wow - this anti-govt shit has got to go. Where i live people disappear
> offending the wrong person.

​It's a list about tecnology and security, but also about people, my dear.
There are lots of places where people disappear when offending the wrong
person.  Sometimes, people disappear only because were in the wrong place,
in the wrong time, and it's very unfair.

That's the reason why this list is important.  Here, you will learn more
resources to become anonymous and survive in a world where privacy is
dying.​  There are lots of political discussions, jokes, discussions, but
there is space to teach and to learn too.  You just need to ask for help or
make searches in the archives.

Give this list a chance and help it to be better.  If you want more
technical content, you can post it and it certainly will be good for a lot
of people.  Lots of different points of view can make a more accurate
analisys of qualities and/or deffects in programs, ideas, whatever.  :)

​​Welcome to a list where you can talk about technology, security, privacy,
governments, journalism, anarchy, justice, laws...  We want a better world
for all.  :)
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
say it." ​

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