On Wed, 24 Aug 2016 18:29:58 -0600
Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net> wrote:

> That's too simplistic. What does "rape" mean? I seriously doubt that
> Jake held a knife to anyone's throat. He reportedly fucked many
> people, often while drunk, stoned, etc. In such dubious
> circumstances, it may be impossible to distinguish consensual sex and
> rape. If both parties are too out of it to consent, who raped who?

        But what you are forgetting Mirirmir is the other terrible
        things he did. Like, somebody reported that he SAID something
        that SOMEBODY might overhear and cosider 'offensive'.

        For instance, appelbaum might have made some 'off-color'
        remarks with some SEXUAL connotation that womyn might find

        So, if you now take into account that sort of monstrous
        behavior, you should realize that he's capable of any
        lesser atrocity.

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