On Sun, 8 Jan 2017 21:56:35 +1000
"James A. Donald" <jam...@echeque.com> wrote:

> On 1/8/2017 12:12 PM, Steve Kinney wrote:
> > The official excuse for WTC 7's symmetrical collapse is that the
> > side of the building /not/ shown clearly in photos was "scooped
> > out" by falling debris.  (The photos I have seen do indicate
> > substantial damage to the facade from falling debris.)  This is not
> > consistent with a symmetrical collapse as observed - the support
> > columns destroyed by the "scoop" provided no vertical support, so
> > the load was distributed unevenly and the building would have
> > sagged in that direction when it lost global structural integrity.
> I have watched videos of the collapse of WTC 7 frame by frame.  It
> did not collapse symmetrically - it sagged on one side.  Hence no
> need for any official excuse.

        It did collapse symmetrically and in an 'orderly' fashion,
        Including a couple of features typical of controlled demolition.

        But feel free to link all the 'evidence' showing the building
        tiping and falling on its side like a cut tree. I will be

> The building looked as if it had been chewed on by giant rats, with 
> great big holes all over the place, and was on fire, hence its
> collapse is no great mystery.

        lol...Again, show the evidence. This of course  is just
        literaty bullshit :  "great big holes all over the place"
        "giant rats"! Wow. Scary. Especially for Winston Smith.

        So you are yet another anti-conspiracy nutcase eh. What's your
        motivation? I'm guessing the main motivation is fear of being
        seen as a 'crank' who wears a 'tin foil hat'?

        On the other hand fake libertarians are prime anti-conspiracy
        nutcases. Their most important article of political faith is
        that the government is very stupid and incompetent and could
        never succesfully carry a false flag attack or any other

        Fake libertarians don't want to acknowledge the obvious fact
        that the government is very competent at what it does,
        including  duping people like them.



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