> On Jan 27, 2017, at 4:46 PM, juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 27 Jan 2017 15:54:41 -0500
> John Newman <j...@synfin.org> wrote:
>>>> Someone who doesn't buy into a particular conspiracy does not
>>>> (necessarily) share any traits with the religious whack jobs that
>>>> burned witches at the stake. They were driven by ignorance and
>>>> religious fervor.
>>>    Not really. Witch hunting, although a time honored
>>> joo-kristian tradition, isn't driven by ignorance. It's a political
>>>    phenomenom (like religion itself). People who don't parrot
>>> the 'community's' party line are treated like criminals, or are
>>>    considered 'sick' and need to be 'cured'.
>>>    Of course, the hunters don't have any rational argument,
>>>    but that's not the same thing, at all, as being ignorant.
>>> They are not just 'ignorant'. They are 'ignorant' on purpose.
>> Whatever, you get my point.
>    No, I don't get your point. What I seem to get quite well is
>    that you are purposedly ignoring MY point(s).
>>>> It seems you would like to have it both ways - denying the
>>>> validity of science when it suits you, and at the same time using
>>>> your own brand of scientific speculation to support a particular
>>>> conspiracy,
>>>    Except I never denied the validity of science. If anything, 
>>>    what you said describes you better than it describes me. 
>>>    The problem is that when you say Science, you are not really
>>>    talking about a rational search for truth, which is also
>>> known as philosophjy. You are mostly talking about the
>>>    establishment's party line, with a 'scientific' veneer. 
>> That's not at all what I'm talking about. You aren't the arbiter of
>> all that is correct.
>    Neither are you nor your state-funded 'scientific' mafia. And
>    your reply is just hand waving.
>>>> again when it suits you. Either science is real, or it isn't.
>>>> Hint: science and the scientific method are fucking real. 
>>>    I never said that truth and rational inquiry are not
>>> 'real'. 
>> You've made plenty of outrageous claims - that global warming is a
>> hoax, 
>    That's an outragous claim for people like you. LMAO at you. You
>    are the poster child for circular 'reasoning'. 
>> that children can't suffer from cognitive disabilities, etc. 
>    I never said that.

Yes you did. In fact you called me a nazi after describing a young girl whom my 
girlfriend was the caretaker of who was profoundly disabled by asperger's 
syndrome. She couldn't talk, etc.. i'm not getting into it again, please just 
leave it alone.

>    So again, disagreeing with your stupid enviro propganda that
>    comes straight out of your fucking americunt nazi state doesn't
>    make me a bible thumper. 

How ducking retarded are you? The us republican government DOES NOT believe in 
anthropogenic climate change. You are right in line with Trump and his cronies.

>    Did I ever mention that your blind faith in state science means
>    you are a lot closer to bible thumpers than I am? 

Did i ever mention that i don't give a fuck about your idiotic and untrue 

>>>> Huge mistakes in medical sciences have most definitely been made, 
>>>    Mistakes? Are you referring to the 'mistakes' of the
>>> 'medical' 'science' of psychiatry? As I explained above those are
>>> not mistakes. 
>> There have been mistakes besides atrocities like the lobotomy. 
>    Not mistakes. 'Curing' gays was not a mistake. And looks like
>    you are an accomplice of the shitbags who did that kind of
>    thing, by pretending they were not criminals but poor
>    'mistaken' altruists or something.

I never said that or even implied it. Was "curing" gays ever accepted as 
science by anyone, anywhere? 

>> Early
>> experimentation with radiation, heparin adulteration out of china,
>    AH the evil chinese. What the fuck has that got to do with
>    'science', fake or legitimate? 

Maybe mistakes is the wrong word for some of those examples - you love to pick 
at things with your pedantic little mind. The point is there have been all 
sorts of fuck ups in the history of medicine, and rational inquiry AKA science 
is how they get solved.

>> exploding breast implants, all sorts of toxic shit before the FDA came
>> around, etc, etc. 
>    Before the FDA came around. Spoken like a True American
>    Anarchist eh John. Tsk tsk. You seem to be showing your true
>    statist colors. 

Tsk tsk all you want dickhead, it's a fact. All sorts of toxic shit was passed 
off prior to the fda (and after, for that matter). My anarchist utopia will 
have some sort of opt-in dope inspection line, but I'm happy for you to die of 
arsenic poisoning in yours.

>    By the way, radioactive 'cures' were aproved by your
>    Progressive Scientifc Anarchist FDA. 

So what? Nobody said the FDA was perfect, or even close. It's called progress.

Everything has to turn into a fucking insult fest with you Juan. You're not an 
enjoyable person to discourse with. You aren't scum like Zen and James Donald, 
but you have some fucking social issues.

>>>    And if you believe that rational inquiry can lead to that
>>> sort of 'mistake' you don't really understand what rational inquiry
>>>    is, and you are in no position to lecture me or anynody else
>>>    about 'science'.
>> Rational inquiry is what leads to the correction of mistakes. I would
>> think that is obvious.
>    What is obvious to me is that you are either unable to
>    understand what I'm saying, or ignoring it on purpose. I think
>    it's more the later than the former.
>>>> but
>>>> they tend to be self correcting over time. That's how science
>>>> works. 

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