On 11/19/18 6:02 PM, juan wrote:

>> On the brighter side, now Xenan will have lots of company over there in
>> my CPunks Spam folder.  I'm sure they will get along just fine, out of
>> sight and out of mind.
>       I open Zen's messages to see if they include a dailystormer link. I 
> can't believe he puts one or more links to the ds in every message, but he 
> does.
>       And maybe I should expand my "uh oh" comment a bit. James used to be a 
> leftist and now he's a rightist. He was a partisan and he is a partisan. He 
> was a 'progressive' social engineer and now he's a conservative social 
> engineer, left and right being two sides of the same coin.

Ah, the Progressives!  I first got to know them back when they were
called the New Left:  Think "Hanoi" Jane Fonda & co.  Over the years my
on-contact categorical rejection of the New Left's message evolved into
a personal theory that they were, wittingly or otherwise, fielded by a
Federal domestic political warfare activity.  Their mission:  Displace
and discredit Pacifists and Liberals who were getting way too much
influence during the Vietnam War.  As always in mass media, nothing
attracts attention like violence, even if it's only violent and
deliberately offensive rhetoric; the plan, if plan it was, worked very

In this same time frame, COINTELPRO was A Thing and the FBI went so far
as to provide training, money, arms and explosives to Militant Leftists,
creating "shocking headlines" in an effort to equate anti-war and other
Liberal / ComSymp sentiments with violent extremism in the public mind.
 In light of the FBI arranging for people to actually bomb banks and
such, it would be absurd to imagine that they did not also field double
agents, witting or witless, to present a stereotyped "made to be hated"
pro-Commie, anti-American "Leftist" message to the Folks At Home.

A funny thing happened after the Vietnam War:  The New Left still had
its press contacts and professional networks, and kept right on going.
After a few years of dormancy, Hanoi Jane married a conventional
politician and got a faux Liberal makeover.  At about that time I
started running into people in real life who presented as political
activists and talked about "political correctness" as if they had some
moral right to dictate what Liberals and Radicals could and could not
think, say and do.  My initial reaction was "fuck y'all." Subsequent
experience has proved my instinctive anarchist response correct.

The Progressives worked industriously through the Reagan years, and
managed to take over key roles in the Democratic Party.  They elected
one of their own - The Clintons - to the Presidency.  Did the old New
Left do that on their own, or with assistance from our Security
Services?  I have no hard data on that, but need I mention the
relationship established when the CIA obtained full support from
Governor Clinton for the Iran/Contra cocaine trafficking business, and
the infamous Clinton Body Count from that era?  Since before that day to
the present, Progressive political actors have worked hand in glove with
radical fringe Right Wing extremist elements of our "Deep State."

The Clintons' zero-tolerance policy toward folks like the Patriot
Movement (who remembers Ruby Ridge?), and the mass murder they carried
out in Wayco, Texas do not impress me as evidence of an anti-Right
agenda.  I see a commitment to Corporate interests who dictate a zero
tolerance policy toward any kind of wildcat political organizing, not
under the firm control of well entrenched, uber-wealthy factions in the
U.S. political/economic ecology.

Today our peasants outnumber our dominant aristocrats by about 3/4
million to one, and that can't be a comfortable position for a de facto
criminal elite to find itself in.  Populism presents an existential
threat to the world as they know it - a world where less than
1/100,000th of the population literally makes all the decisions
affecting our species as a whole.  So it can't be allowed, is all.

Anyone who doubts the identity vs. "close relationship" of the
Progressive establishment with the Far Right needs only look into the
relationship between Henry Kissinger and Hillary Clinton:  They present
themselves in public as best buddies, and Hillary calls him her mentor.
 Her own track record for mass murder has yet to rise to Kissinger
status - Honduras, Libya and Syria notwithstanding - but put her in the
Oval Office and watch the fun!

In light of the above model, the whole Left vs. Right paradigm in modern
U.S. politics presents as a Big Lie.  The only differences I see between
the Parties of our duoploy are rhetorical, and a bias toward
prioritizing service to financial services and communications
shareholder value (Democrats) vs. Petrochemicals and Military
Contracting industries' shareholder value (Republican).

America's real silent majority, our classic Liberals, have no voice in
national policy under a system that locks out candidates for elected
office who do not meet Right Wing (Democratic Party) or Radical Fringe
Right Wing (Republican Party) acceptance criteria.

Meanwhile, thanks to many contributing factors that all come back to
"make money fast, at any human cost," we remain on track for human
extinction.  My own informal model, based on 40 years of obsessive
attention to relevant geophysical data and models, indicates that at
most single digit millions of humans will survive into the 2200s, with
full extinction likely to follow within another century.  Setting an
extinction date presents challenges:  The last humans will live under
conditions similar to long-stay missions to Mars, but with abundant
water and relatively convenient air pressure and temperature as major
advantages.  As on Mars, a few minutes of unprotected exposure "outside"
will be fatal.  One might wish our future Earth Colonists all the best...

But that's another story: Search on NOVA Mass Extinction, then look for
a mirror because WGBS no longer hosts that file.  When I'm really in the
zone, I imagine that plans for Mars missions exist to provide cover for
technology incubators developing methods for human survival under
upcoming atmospheric and etc. conditions right here on Sol III Prime.

"Gentlemen, we can not allow a Mine Shaft Gap!"

vs. we can not afford to put off the business of shutting the
Petrochemicals industry right the fuck down, and fast.  No aboveground
political faction on the Left or Right, so called, will stand for that;
they would literally kill you first, in an effort to discourage others.
 So the final answer is left as a lab exercise... for all the marbles.


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