On Wed, 21 Nov 2018 17:04:56 +1000
jam...@echeque.com wrote:

> On 2018-11-21 12:39, juan wrote:
> > On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 21:31:11 +0000 (UTC)
> > jim bell <jdb10...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > 
> > 
> >> In any case, I think that the 'convention' that we refer to "fascism" as 
> >> being "right-wing" was, and is, completely phony.�
> > 
> >     so assuming that commies and nazis and other fascists are on the left, 
> > who is on the right then?
> Whosoever wants to restore civilization against the darkness is on the 
> right.

        uh oh. So let's make clear what "the right" means. As Jim B. pointed 
out, the left/right classification comes from the french revolution. What needs 
to be added is that the people who sat on "the right" of the assembly were the 
conservatives/monarchists/theocrats or representatives of the 'ancien regime'.

        Now, key features of fascism are close cooperation between the 
'private' sector and government and nationalism-militarism, also known as 
imperialism. Fascists usualy believe that they are god's chosen master race and 
that they have a Manifest Destiny. In other words the old mercantilists from 
the british empire and modern day fascists like the americunts are both 'right 
wingers'. And actually modern day corporatists-imperialists  are simply the 
continuantion of 18th century imperialists. 

        So the question for Jim Bell remains. What political doctrines are 
'right wing'? 


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