On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 17:50:54 +1000
jam...@echeque.com wrote:

> >> On 2018-11-21 17:45, juan wrote:
> >>>   uh oh. So let's make clear what "the right" means. As Jim B. pointed 
> >>> out, the left/right classification comes from the french revolution. What 
> >>> needs to be added is that the people who sat on "the right" of the 
> >>> assembly were the conservatives/monarchists/theocrats or representatives 
> >>> of the 'ancien regime'.
>  > On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 16:04:56 +1000
>  > jam...@echeque.com wrote:
> >> The ancient regime was theoretically absolute, and in an important sense
> >> was absolute, but could not conscript,
> On 2018-11-22 16:56, juan wrote:
> >     excetp, of course it could
> > 
> >     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corv%C3%A9e
> Corvee was typically one day a week working on the fields or some such. 
> Which is a lot less than I spend working for the government. 

        One day a week of slavery? cool. 

> The 
> ancient regime did not and could not send a generation off to Russia to die.

        oh, I'm sure there were no wars in the roman empire, in feudal europe 
and in monarchist europe - hi hi hi. Seriously, what's the point of you 
vomiting one piece of nonsense after the other? 

        what's the point of you constantly lying to yourself? How can you 
pretend to be so blind as to not see that your 'modern' government is the 
logical extension of the divine right of kings? 

> >     except hyperinflation in france existed in the 18th century (that is 
> > almost 100 years before the revolution)
> > 
> > 
> >     http://austrianeconomics.wikia.com/wiki/John_Law_inflation_in_France
> There was the important difference that though John Law could inflate 
> away the paper money in your pocket, he did not and could not try to 
> force bakers to supply bread for worthless money, unlike Venezuela today 
> and unlike Revolutionary France.

        what the fuck are you talking about. 

> >> Which gave us science, technology, industrialization, and empire.
> > 
> >     notice that's exactly what a 'progressive' socialist would say.
> But that is because they, and you, lie.

        what? - again you are a 'techno' fascist. You are the exact same sort 
of retard who thinks that the world should be ruled by a socialist  'artificial 
super intelligence'. 

        here's a mirror for you 


> Progressives have destroyed science, and socialists' attempts at 
> industrialization were second rate (reflect on soviet cars), relied on 
> buying or stealing technology developed by capitalists

        lol - you are a left-wing techno-fascist bot James. I challenge you to 
think for yourself and say anything at least half original.

        But the problem is, as either a lefty or a righ-winger, you are totally 
and completely unable to THINK.  All you can do is repeat whatever program your 
masters put into you. 

> (soviet cars and 
> car factories were copied from the US under American engineers) and came 
> at horrifying human cost.

        sure sure

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