January 6 Washington DC
Massive Epic MAGA March - Calling All Hands on Deck

The Electoral College convenes on January 6th in Washington D.C. to
count the votes and declare a winner. On this day, Trump Supporters
are showing up to put on the largest show of support in our nations
history. We will rally and march through Washington D.C. to help
encourage and support those who are making a constitutional stand to
re-elect President Donald J. Trump. Be there!


Things You Will NEVER See on Network TV,
and will not see on YouTube if Biden gets in...

> given under oath Gavel Hammer and Mic Drop
over testimony oath FightBack in Atlanta.
There are actually pitchforks, physical mic drop, and tears for
America in this video. Sidney Powell, Vernon Jones, Lin Wood et al in
the house, raising up new activists and candidacies. longer NTD  Fatally Flawed Process:
Sidney Powell full interview via American Thought Leaders NTD Epoch
Times with Jan Jekielek Living in the Coup Amanda
Milius on Censorship, Plot Against the President American Thought: Info
Warfare with Tracy Beanz ATL with Lauren Boebert:
Fraud and 2ndA American Thought Leaders
with Ali Alexander, the national organizer of Stop the Steal Michael Flynn American
Thought Leaders Michael Flynn Jericho

> The Invisible Influence of Big Tech on Politics & Elections Biden Then and Now

Where was media reporting this or any
other topic or issue that could be a negative,
instead of influencing covering up those from voters.
In comparison to their coverage if Trump
would displayed identical frailty? Any honest
analyst of extant media bias knows that answer.
Nor since when do Americans vote those
in obvious decline to office of presidency,
or voters anywhere in world do that?
USA beyond gone now.

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