If you wonder why General Micheal Flynn's loyalty test, of Trump's advisors, 
done in front of Trump on Friday evening 18th Dec, check out the folks who 
think they are running the President of the USA:

   BREAKING: Sidney Powell is Being Blocked By WH Aids From Seeing Trump After 
He Allegedly Offered Her Special Counsel Position

      Pro-Trump attorney Sidney Powell recently spoke to The Zenger News that 
President Donald Trump offered her a special counsel position for looking into 
fraud in the 2020 election.

      Powell also revealed that advisors close to President Trump are now 
blocking her from meeting with the president to make it official.

      The attorney explained that she was verbally offered the position of 
“special White House counsel” last Friday.

      “It has not come to pass,” Powell said, “because it seems it was blocked 
after Friday night, or undone, or I’m not sure what you’d call it” by senior 
White House staff, she suggested.

      “Someone threw sand in the gears?” the interviewer questioned. “Something 
like that,” Powell responded.

      “I’ve been blocked from speaking to or communicating with the president 
since I left the Oval Office on Friday night,” Powell said, “by apparently 
everyone around” President Trump.


"Trump did a deal and then immediately and silently cut that person from all 
communication" ??

Trump did not do that.

But the swamp will do that, every day of the week if "necessary".

And again:

   Reports Say Trump Offered Sidney Powell Special Prosecutor Job But His Aids 
Are Blocking Her!

      Our President is a man surrounded by the Swamp.

      I think even our President has been shocked at how deep the Swamp runs.

      People in his closest circle are now being exposed as working against him.

      Even people like Mitch McConnell, who President Trump personally helped 
win his last election, have turned on him at the first chance they got.

      Does ANYONE have any wisdom or courage?

      It seems as though Trump, Powell, Flynn, Giuliani, Lindell and Byrne may 
be the last 6 people truly fighting for the future of this Nation.





    … By Saturday morning, Powell says, the president’s most senior aides had 
declined to give her a Secret Service-issued pass to come and go from the West 
Wing. “I’ve been blocked from speaking to or communicating with the president 
since I left the Oval Office on Friday night,” she says, “by apparently 
everyone around him.”

      During the Zenger interview, conducted on video in a 7th-floor suite at 
the Trump International Hotel in Washington DC, Powell said she has had no 
contact with Trump since the Dec. 18 meeting.

      White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany declined to comment on the 
record about whether any senior officials, including Chief of Staff Mark R. 
Meadows, National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien and White House Counsel 
Pat A. Cipollone, have intervened to keep Powell out of the White House. All 
three participated in Friday’s meeting, which devolved into chaos and 
finger-pointing about who was—or was not—serving Trump’s interests. Powell 
confirmed that former National Security Advisor Gen. Michael T. Flynn 
accompanied her to the Oval Office.

      O’Brien and Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph S. Giuliani participated via 
telephone. Other aides walked in and out of the Oval Office periodically; they 
could not be identified by Zenger’s reporting. A message to Giuliani seeking 
comment was not returned. Asked to confirm Giuliani took part, his attorney Bob 
Costello said, “I don’t know the answer to that.”

      All I can say is…..get your popcorn ready:

On Thu, Dec 24, 2020 at 12:01:03AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Lin Wood drops one mean mic :D
>    Lin Wood @LLinWood
>    When the Communists/Globalists/DeepState try to
>    sneak provision in funding bill nullifying
>    @realDonaldTrumb bower to invoke the Insurrection
>    Act, you know they are planning an insurrection.
>    Steady. Be prepared. Pray.
>    [Image:
>             In 5,593 page Sstimulus
>             Βill is provision that
>             would nullify President
>             Trump's power to invoke
>             the Insurrection Act.
>    ]
> On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 11:41:56PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > On Wed, Dec 23, 2020 at 04:42:38AM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> > > The Invisible Influence of Big Tech on Politics & Elections - Allum
> > > Bokhari #Deleted
> > > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJfGphZBmQ
> > > #Deleted: Big Tech's battle to erase the trump movement and steal the 
> > > election
> > > https://deletedbook.com/
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.
> > 
> > Funny you should say that: Flynn just opened Trump's eyes on Friday to
> > the truth about Trump's closest/ top-level advisors (actually employed
> > by Trump) who for 4 years have actually been undermining Trump.
> > 
> >    EXPLOSIVE: Gen. Flynn Reportedly Stood Up During Oval Office Meeting,
> >    Called Out Negative Advisory Team
> >    
> > https://trendingpolitics.com/explosive-gen-flynn-reportedly-stood-up-during-oval-office-meeting-called-out-negative-advisory-team/
> > 
> >       According to bombshell revelations, General Mike Flynn reportedly
> >       stood up during an explosive Oval Office meeting and called out
> >       President Trump's advisory team who were encouraging him to accept
> >       defeat.
> > 
> >       The revelations came from Overstock founder Patrick Byrne who was
> >       at the meeting.
> > 
> >       “General Flynn stood on his feet [in a calm, measured and
> >       professional manner] and gentlemanly asked:
> > 
> >         “Do you think the President won?
> >          Can you say that you think the President won?”
> > 
> >       the question … not a single one would answer the question," Byrne
> >       recalled.
> > 
> > ["Pin dop" moment FTMFW muffaduckas! :)  Flynn rocks!]
> > 
> >       Byrne went on to explain that [Flynn] told President Trump that
> >       "within 30 minutes" [Flynn] could find three people who would
> >       confirm that [Trump's] advisors were telling others to convince
> >       the President to concede.
> > 
> > 
> > [Ouch!  Flynn's EPIC mic drop bomb, was in front of Trump and was aimed
> >  directly at Trump's team of advisors, and Flynn did so calmly,
> >  peacefully and in dignity.]
> > 
> >       ...
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > It does not matter that it took 4 years to get here folks (for Trump to
> > FINALLY see the traitors surrounding him) - we and Trump are blessed to
> > have General Mike Flynn on team Trump - you see it's often only in your
> > darkest moments, at the 11th minute of the 11th hour whilst battling in
> > war, that you finally discover who your true friends really are.  Mike
> > Flynn is a true friend to President Donald Trump.
> > 
> > Flynn, despite everything, still stands strong for truth and justice,
> > unshakable for Trump in the face of our stolen votes, during Friday
> > night's "explosive" meeting (which also included Sidney Powell and Lin
> > Wood).
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > And for the possibility of martial law, Flynn also on Friday (but not at
> > this meeting) delivered another epic mic drop:
> > 
> >    [also from the above article]
> >    General Flynn has been one of President Trump's most vocal
> >    supporters. On Friday, Flynn spoke out against Republican Rep. Adam
> >    Kinzinger who slammed him for previous comments he had made.
> > 
> >    "No. The military will not be “deployed” to re-run an election,"
> >    Kinzinger said as he made it clear he would be surrendering to the
> >    Democrats. "It’s time for this to be shut down, and now. Gen. Flynn
> >    has lost his moral authority to be taken seriously, and the GOP needs
> >    to stand up to it. #RestoreOurGOP"
> > 
> >    Flynn later responded, stating, "Study your history and the
> >    constitution."
> >    …
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > FINALLY Trump has 3 true warriors around him, for THE FIRST TIME IN 4
> > fricken years!
> > 
> > But dang it's worth it to get here, to THIS unprecedented moment in
> > modern USA history!
> > 
> > 
> > Mark this truth folks:
> > 
> >    This event, this one simple question dropped in front of the
> >    president to his "advisors" on the evening of Friday 18th December 2020
> >    in the White House with:
> > 
> >     - President Trump,
> > 
> >     - a bunch of his "sophisticated" backstabbing advisors of 4 years,
> > 
> >     - a couple of "slightly kooky but highly principled and successful"
> >       lawyers Sidney Powell and Lin Wood,
> > 
> >     - and the incredibly forebearing, faithful, loyal, principled, calm
> >       and dignified General Mike Flynn,
> > 
> >    shall go down in North American history as one of the most
> >    significant moments of all, certainly the most significant moment of
> >    the modern era.
> > 
> > 
> > Movies will be made about and including this epic moment.  It shall be
> > taught in history.  As the big orange planet Jupiter occludes the cold
> > blue-green Saturn, the big orange president will finally find his feet
> > and God willing, drain the swamp.
> > 
> > The USA is blessed to have General Mike Flynn in her ranks.
> > 
> > THIS is who Americans can be!  This is who some Americans are!
> > 
> > May God bless and protect General Mike Flynn, Trump and all his
> > supporters.
> > 
> > And may the navy boys protecting Trump be on their BEST protecting game
> > at this point and for the coming weeks!!!
> > 
> > 
> > Game just shifted folks.
> > 
> > Bigly.
> > 

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