On 3 Dec 2001, at 8:06, mattd wrote:
> Disaster struck [anarcho socialism in Catalonia] for many
> reasons and it was not all as grim as the stories you put
> on the web.You could cite many more sources on your site
> that you wont thus letting people get away with questioning
> your honesty and motives.I simply agree with those that
> call you a liar on Spain

If you read through McKay's pages, he calls me a liar, but 
then concedes the important facts -- concedes that 
"anarchist" Catalonia was in fact a dictatorship that ruled
by terror, arguing not that I am lying because I say there
was terror and there was no terror, not that I am lying
because I say there was a dictatorship and there was no
dictatorship, but instead claiming I am a liar because I
imply there was unjust and oppressive terror whereas really
it was necessary and justified terror, that I am a liar
because I imply there was arrogant and cruel dictatorship
when really it was benevolent and kindly dictatorship.

For example in 
http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2374/govern.html an 
McKay writes:

: :     Moving on, James Donald presents one of his more 
: :     outrageous statements.
: :     : :     "then later, their leaders decided in 
: :     : :     secret, in cheerful defiance of the 
: :     : :     democratic procedures  to dissolve the 
: :     : :     militia committee, to officially 
: :     : :     recreate the state rather than 
: :     : :     unofficially"

He then rants at great length that I am lying outrageously, 
and that what I say is completely contradicted by the very 
sources that I cite, but after all this ranting concedes:

: :     [...] James Donald is right in that the CNT made 
: :     the decision [...] in violation of its democratic 
: :     principles, since the rank and file were not 
: :     consulted.

The decision in question stripped the "anarchist" 
nomenclatura of its power, and fed it into the hands of their 
enemies.  If he concedes that the most important decision the 
"anarchists" ever made was made by a secretive elite, how 
then can my words be outragous?

         James A. Donald

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