James A. Donald:
> > "Anarcho capitalism corresponds to what any normal person
> > would call anarchy"

> Who said I was normal?

If you use the word anarchy to refer to something that is
very far from anarchy as it is normally understood, without
explaining that you are using a special and unusual meaning,
this is lying.  If you were to say:

: :     "I am an anarchist, but by anarchist I mean a
: :     really really really democratic and decentralized
: :     government exercising all power and total power
: :     over every person's action and every good, with a
: :     general committee to decide all matters of
: :     general interest and authorize any truly
: :     necessary use of force"

most people would say:
: :      "You are not an anarchist, you are a democratic
: :      socialist -- we already went through that stuff
: :      in the twentieth century. On those rare
: :      occasions when they were both actually
: :      democratic, and actually socialist, the economy
: :      collapsed and they got voted out the next
: :      elections."

James A. Donald:
> When they go into detail, for example par-econ, they
> describe in pleasant sounding words a system more
> centralized and authoritarian in form and theory than
> Stalin's was in form and theory, and often more centralized
> and authoritarian even in theory than Maoism was in actual
> practice.

> I dont recall.Could you cite anarchist stalins and
> mao's,please?

If you call the what the authors of ParEcon propose
anarchism, then PolPot was as much an anarchist as they were,
Stalin ten times as much an anarchist as they were, and Mao
one hundred times.

         James A. Donald

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