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Faustine wrote:
Jim wrote:

> Ha! How would any of us mere mortals know, since some of the very most arcane,
> sophisticated and advanced work done in simulation today is 100% classified 
> DARPA research.
>>It isn't a question of the mechanical 'simulation', it's a question of
>>having a model and the data. Neither the model or the data is there. I've
>>spent the majority of my life (not just adult) dealing with computational
>>ecology and computational history (ie Cliology). They are vast problems
>>that have been ignored for the most part.

...by the people you know about. 

>>You are welcome to your belief in faries and master wizards.

(shrug) A pleasant metaphor, nothing more. 

> And by the way, if you assume they have bottom-quartile
> donutchompers doing that sort of work at Sandia and elsewhere, you've got
> another thing coming.
>>Hardly. Having worked for the government (DoD in particular on a couple of

So you're saying they shunted you off to working with the bottom-quartile
donutchompers, eh?

>> it isn't the brain power that limits what they can do. It's the
>>managers and budgets. Instead of sitting around hoping they really are
>>that good sit down and figure out what something like that would cost both
>>in time to develop and execute. Neither the time or the bucks are there.

Great point. But it depends entirely on where you are.

>>In addition, the VAST(!!!!) majority of the projects are geared toward
>>specific short term strategic goals. Such models offer little insight into
>>solutions for the current strategic problems.

If that's what you were able to deduce from your specific experiences, fine.
They just aren't mine. Anyway, I never said I was interested claiming anything about 
"the majority".

>I've lived long enough to know that however smart somebody is, it don't
>make 'em a superman, ever. They stumble and fall just like the rest. There
>are no angels among men. Intelligence isn't what it's cracked up to be.

There's nothing in this paragraph I didn't already know. What part of my
oft-repeated credo "nobody gets a free pass" do you find ambiguous.

It's just that if you're of a misanthropic cast of mind and you happen to find
a quality in people you can actually respect and value, you have to find a way
to take pleasure from it when and where you find it, that's all. I happen to
value intelligence and cunning, so sue me. 

>But you're welcome to keep hoping.

"Take hope from the heart of man and you make him a beast of prey." ~Ouida

> My god, when I think of the sheer brainpower of some of the amazing old 
> wizards I've come across in this field, it's so truly and deeply
> humbling I can hardly stand it. I start humming Willy Wonka in spite of 
> myself...
>>You're easily impressed that's for sure,

You don't know who I know.

> I'd be so forward as to observe you don't have much self-confidence either.

Why should I have if it's not my primary field and I'm just starting to get my
feet wet? Man, I'm not so far gone that I can't recognize that a good dose of
realistic appraisal is a healthy thing. Hubris is a handicap.

> Okay Jim, I'll grant you that I (and the current state of my puny tools) am
> probably not up to the task, but that's no reason not to hold out hope
> elsewhere!
>>What the hell are you talking about? Hope for what? That somebody found
>>the 'master' model of terran ecology and are running it in some secret
>>DoD lab all sitting around chuckling at what automatons we (and they) are?

Not at all. I prefer to hope that someone could overcome the problems people
like you think are insurmountable. 


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will reach to himself.

- --Thomas Paine

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