On Sat, 26 Jan 2002, Faustine wrote:

> All I'm saying is that assuming analysts will somehow decide to give up on
> trying to solve similarly complex problems via simulation because they're "too
> hard" isn't exactly what I'd call a safe bet. More like a sucker's bet.

Man, decrease the dossage. You're hallucinating like hell.

I NEVER(!!!!!) EVER(!!!!!) said a damn thing about giving up...





What I DID(!!!!) say was, in different words, was:

That the suggestion that running a simple numerical ecology experiment on
a home computer and then trying to extrapolate that to a real world
application is a complete and utter waste of time. There is no model,
there is no data. This was within the context of (H)ADD (that's me in
spades) being an (mal)adaptive character. Of course it is. If you have to
think more than a few seconds about basic biology to understand that then
go immediately to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Every
characteristic of the environment as well as the organism is a
responce to evolutionary forces (re Gaia Theory). Even in the case of
'neutral genetic trait' approaches (which I happen to agree with as well)
it is clear that while a particular character may not be relevant today,
that does not include the past or the future. The fact that (H)ADD are the
thrill seekers means they were probably the ones leading the expansions of 
mankind in our pre-history. It also probably included those 'psychotics'
who don't have 'feelings for society'. I bet they are one mother of a
Mastadon killer. Probably don't live long but what the hey. As evidence
from not only Homo Sapien but back to Neandertal there is evidence of
helping the injured [1]. I've postulated (half seriously) that this
explains the bloody Aztec and Mayan approaches to civil service. Makes a
lot of sense if you think of them coming from a group of psychopaths in
their distant past :)

Such an extrapolation is also akin to taking the approaches that work with
a 2-body problem in mechanics and then trying to extend them to 3-body or
greater problems (they're insoluble in principle not just fact). It also
has some similarities with graph theory (graphs are a great tool for
demonstrating the connections in an ecological model). There are aspects
of any cliological model that can be considered workable which would have
tremendous impact on other areas (eg cryptography). These signatures
simply aren't there. Signature analysis is your friend.

(H)ADD is an alternate wiring schema for the human brain. It is genetic in
basis. (H)ADD is strongly connected with above average performance,
increased thrill seeking, and unconventional modes of thinking (eg
images & dyslexia). If left to itself one would expect this character to
increase (which it apparently is). The political, educational, and social
views of the status quo find this unsettling. I suggest they change the
way they do school and stop drugging perfectly normal human beings. (H)ADD
is a perfectly normal evolutionary experiment. The 'old' model is being
found wanting by the environment. The current attitudes about (H)ADD are
nothing more than open, socialy supported, bigotry.

With kudos to Rudy Rucker:

There is a better way.

You can do it!

Seek the Gnarl!


             Day by day the Penguins are making me lose my mind.

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       The Armadillo Group       ,::////;::-.          James Choate
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[1] I find it interesting that the Neandertals seem to have attacked their
    prey directly. Jump on it and beat and stab till it, or you, stop. As
    contrasted with Homo Sapiens which seem to been a distance hunter. One
    of the primary evidences in this is the build of the various throwing
    devices. The Neandertal seem to have used short and heavy spears while
    Homo Sapien used a longer and lighter model.

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