On Tuesday, February 5, 2002, at 11:03  AM, Eric Murray wrote:

> Lne.com CDR subscribers won't see them, but someone is signing
> up the ssz node to a lot of web mail lists.... roughly 30 as of
> this morning.  The IP addr of the host generating the subscription
> requests is, which appears to belong to tin.it.
> Have at it.
> Spam on cpunks has gone WAY up in the last month or so... to the point
> that on the raw feed there is usually significantly more spam than
> content[1].  The only drawback to this filtering scheme is that I still
> have to look at all the spam to make sure there isn't a real post from
> someone who is not yet on the posters list.  There are ways to automate
> this, once I figure out a method that will ensure that no content gets
> dropped, I'll implement it.

My thanks for your efforts. (I would normally say "we thank you," but 
then there would be several foams from people saying I don't speak for 
anyone but myself.)

I also filter out several list subscribers who are also major sources of 
worthless forwarded articles with no content added: Choate (of course, a 
la "www.villagevoice.com" silliness), Mattd/proffr/etc., and Jei (who 
posts in burst of half a dozen or more of the usual news sources.)

What is it that makes people think they should forward ordinary news 
items, even in URL form? Do they think we don't have access to Yahoo, or 
CNN.com, or any of a dozen other news services which recirculate the 
same items?

I got a question from a normally-cluefull person who asked me if thought 
his news URLs were ill-considered. Yes, I told him. Because the items 
are so widely available and because if even a _fraction_ of us posted N 
of the items we see in a day, the list would be swamped by non-content 
articles. He said he saw my point, and he hasn't been forwarding news 
articles and URLs.

(Yeah, if anyone spots a truly relevant item, commenting on it is 
welcome. Or posting a URL. But simple game theory says that it's best 
that people don't just bounce things they read to our list, something 
Choate, mattd, and Jei seem to not understand.)

--Tim May
"Gun Control: The theory that a woman found dead in an alley, raped and
strangled with her panty hose,  is somehow morally superior to a woman 
explaining to police how her attacker got that fatal bullet wound"

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