At 12:02 PM 2002-02-12, you wrote:

>From: "Jim Choate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Which makes a nice segue into a movie (I don't remember the name, sorry)
> > that is due out this year. The premise is that the LEA's begin to follow
> > everyone and they run a model on their behaviour. If the model says they
> > will commit a crime they are arrested and locked away. If anyone has more
> > details (like the title)...
>I've read a book, more than ten years ago, based on that idea.
>Unfortunately, that's about everything that I remember...

The movie is "Minority Report" (not sure if it's been released yet):

It's based on a short story by Philip K. Dick, like so many other excellent 
scifi movies (Total Recall, Blade Runner, Screamers). Also coming up is 
Gary Fleder's version of PKD's Impostor:


anton l. raath           internet development & design
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