No you drop me a line you may be the bastarded who killed my wife 
and kids.

On 15 Mar 2002 at 14:43, j eric townsend wrote:

> At 09:29 -0800 2002/03/15, Tim May wrote:
> >Being away from the Net for nearly 24 hours, I wondered why I was 
> >getting 90 e-mails downloading, but only about 16 messages in my 
> >"Cypherpunks" filtered mailbox. So I looked at what the cat drug in:
> Here's an idea -- why not use whatever you use to filter things into 
> your cypherpunks mailbox to first filter out anything from people you 
> don't want to read instead of whining to everyone on the list about 
> how much they send that you don't want to read?
> -- 
> J. Eric Townsend --
> Were you in USASSG/ACSI/MACV in Vietnam, 1967-1970?  Drop me a line if so...

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