A new issue of Insight on the News is now online!

TABLE OF CONTENTS: This Week's Table of Contents



Immigration Experts Have Recommended Reading for Bush

By: Hans S. Nichols and Sam MacDonald



NATIONAL: Creative Financing

By: Kelly Patricia O’Meara, Investigative Reporter

Dozens of municipal projects in Los Angeles County have been financed using 
bondlike instruments called COPs, which critics charge have allowed officials to 
enter into long-term financial obligations without voter approval. 

NATIONAL: Iraqi Connection to Oklahoma Bombing

[By: Kenneth R. Timmerman, Senior Writer]

America's Arab allies do not agree with the president's inclusion of Iraq in the 
'Axis of Evil.' But new information about Saddam Hussein's involvement in the 
bombing of the Murrah Building may tip the balance. 


SYMPOSIUM  Q: Is new leadership needed to restore the Central Intelligence 

Yes: Reforming the CIA means new leaders, new ways of doing business and a 
truckload of pink slips.

By: Angelo M. Codevilla

Our current war on terrorism is only the latest instance in which the CIA's 
ineptitude, incompetence, gullibility, prejudice, corruption and self-serving 
nature have made it a net detriment to U.S. national security. Hence, getting 
good intelligence must begin with the firing of most of the people now employed 
at CIA headquarters, starting with George Tenet. 

NO: Await findings of the Capitol Hill probe before condemning George Tenet.

By: Frederick P. Hitz

Congress is gearing up to examine how well the U.S. intelligence community 
performed prior to Sept. 11 regarding its core mission of warning the president 
and the American people about the most serious surprise attack since Pearl 
Harbor. Nothing is off the table in what the investigation may cover. At the 
same time, President George W. Bush and congressional leaders of the 
investigation rightly have said it must not be undertaken as a head-hunting 
expedition. ... http://www.insightmag.com/news/221881.html


POLITICS: Bringing Abducted Americans Home

By: Timothy W. Maier, Writer

The Bush administration has pledged to use 'every appropriate resource,' 
including the use of military force, to recover U.S. citizens kidnapped abroad. 


POLITICS: Washington's Week:  Lingering Chill on Capitol Hill

By: Jennifer G. Hickey, Writer

Preparing for their two-week Easter recess, Republicans and Democrats celebrated 
the season with fiscal fisticuffs in the House and even a little bloodletting 
about judicial nominations in the Senate. ... 


NATIONAL: Plot Thickens in Livermore Spying Incident

By: Martin Edwin Andersen and Paul M. Rodriguez

Despite Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham's artful denial of a recent Insight 
exclusive, security watchdogs in Congress have announced their intention to 
pursue the allegation. ... http://www.insightmag.com/news/221896.html

NATIONAL: Health Questions Linger at Hart

By: Sheila R. Cherry, Writer

EPA officials have wondered privately whether it truly was safe for workers to 
return to the Hart Senate Office Building after the anthrax-decontamination 
project. http://www.insightmag.com/news/221868.html

NATIONAL: Move Over Prozac,  It's Ecstasy's Turn

By: Brandon Spun, Reporter

Stigmatized as the 'nightclub drug,' some scientists are promoting the benefits 
of ecstasy as a treatment for depression.  But at what long-term costs to the 
brain? http://www.insightmag.com/news/221869.html


WORLD: Chavez Revolution May Be in Retreat

[By: Christopher Whalen]

Hugo Chavez was riding high in 1999. But economic and civil strife, as well as 
questionable political moves, have his presidency teetering on the brink of 
collapse. http://www.insightmag.com/news/221872.html


POLITICS: Honeymoon Is Over in the 'Irritable Alliance'

By: Jamie Dettmer, Writer

In retrospect, 9/11 could be seen as a mere hiatus in the deteriorating 
relations between Europe and the United States. ... 



FAIR COMMENT: Money Seems to Be Motivating Factor at American Red Cross

[By: Reed Irvine]

60 Minutes devoted one of its segments to searing criticism of the way in which 
the organization handles the big bucks it collects ostensibly to provide 
assistance to victims of major disasters. That was followed by a blast from the 
Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights. ... 

FAIR COMMENT: U.S. Would Sell Out Israel by Pushing Land-for-Peace Deal

By: Frank J. Gaffney Jr.

With each passing day, Washington appears to view its principal Middle Eastern 
ally's conduct as increasingly inconvenient — in much the same way London 
and Paris came to see Czechoslovakian resistance to Adolf Hitler's offers of 
peace in exchange for Czech lands. ... 

FAIR COMMENT: Uzbeks Need Help, Not Lectures

By: Paul M. Joyal

Uzbekistan has emerged on the world scene as the chief ally of the United States 
in Central Asia and a key player in the war against al-Qaeda. ... 


FEATURES: Picture Profile:Pipes Helps U.S. Identify the Enemy

By: Paula R. Kaufman

Long before Sept. 11, Daniel Pipes warned of the perils of militant Islam. Now 
he cautions that U.S. authorities still aren't taking the growing threat 
seriously enough. http://www.insightmag.com/news/221891.html


FEATURES: The House of Hansen

By: Stephen Goode, Writer

What a treat it must be to have enough money to buy beautiful art.  And what a 
pleasure it is when a collector with taste and discernment puts his collection 
on display. http://www.insightmag.com/news/221882.html

FEATURES: History Repeats

By: Rex Roberts, Features Editor

A comedy and a drama, both set in 18th-century France, are au courant. 


CORRESPONDENCE: A Letter From the Editor

By: Paul M. Rodriguez, Managing Editor

While airline security allegedly is better, we have uncovered lapses that also 
include breaches at U.S. nuclear labs and petrochemical plants — 
literally, sitting time bombs waiting to explode. ... 

CORRESPONDENCE: It's Business as Usual in the Realm of Ethics and Morals

The "ethics" being taught are mere rules taught by men. These ethics are 
situational and fluid and change according to the definition of the day. ... 

CORRESPONDENCE: Passenger Rail Gets Bad Name While Airlines Just Get Help

The federal government spends billions of dollars for the commercial airlines 
but far less for passenger rail service. ... 

CORRESPONDENCE: Insight Displays Courage by Uncovering Sordid Story

Your magazine has an incredibly solid grasp of things going on out there that we 
Americans either are unaware of or are too afraid to ask about. ... 


The Last Word

By: Woody West

Military Has New Strategy in Battle of Sexes 


Well that should give your a more detailed look at what's in the magazine this 
week.  We had two weeks to work on this issue and we think you'll enjoy it.  
Keep the tips coming.

Paul Rodriguez

editor, Insight Magazine

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