"Jim Choate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But that changes the game in the middle of play, the sequence of digits
> in pi is fixed, not random. You can't get a random number from a constant.
> Otherwise it wouldn't be a constant.
PRNG output is fixed/repeatable too - that is a properly you *want* from a
PRNG.  any subset of the digits of pi is as close to RNG output as you would
need to satisfy any entropy tests - unless you *knew* you had derived it
from pi you couldn't distinguish it from a true random string of the same

> You can't stop them from using their tables. Slow them down, not stop
> them. You can't use that huge a seed, hardware limitations. They can match
> you.
*shrug* given that adding a bit to the seed doubles the quantity of data
they would have to cache in their tables, it can quickly become unworkable;
the single-digit-of-pi formula is too slow to form a good stream cypher, but
is otherwise ok; if you aren't constrained to matching a real world sequence
(pi in this case) but are happy with *any* non-repeating but deterministic
stream, you can probably find something much faster.

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